Friday, May 22, 2009

Tina's visit

Tina tried to feed two very active little boys

I was just wondering if this blog site would be better. Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting my niece Tina Thompson and her two sons; Noah who is two and his brother Joshua who is one. Tina is the daughter of my adopted brother Ben Gube and she and her husband came to Monterey, CA. so that Chad could attend a fire school. No he is not an arsonist he is a fire captain for the city of Fullerton.

Joshua wante to play peek-a-boo at the kitchen table.

We had a real good time with the boys and Tina. Aunt Lorene was not feeling well so I played with the boys. I think that they had the best time when they found the toybox that we have kept since all of our kids grew up and moved out on their own. Then we decided to get up on the bed and look out the window.

Noah commented that I sure had a lovely garden and then the tickle fights started. We played and played until it was time for them to return to Monterey and pick up daddy so everyone could go back home. When Tina, Noah, and Joshua were getting ready I was able to capture some good video.

Tina and the boys getting ready to leave.

Aunt Lorene was really exhausted and went to sleep with her piggies and teddy bears.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hello there.  I am hoping to see if this blog will be better than the other one.